Whip Cracking 101 - School Year 2021
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The Whip Cracking 101 school year 2021 ran from February to November.
February featured patterns by Justin Bereczki of Canada Whips
- Level 1 Overhead Crack, Reverse Body Wrap, Reverse Cattleman, Cattleman's Crack
- Level 2 Overhead Crack, Reverse Body Wrap, Reverse Cattleman, Cattleman's Crack, Cross Body Reverse Cattleman, Overhead Reverse
- Level 3 Overhead Crack, Reverse Body Wrap, Reverse Cattleman, Cattleman's Crack, Cross Body Reverse Cattleman, Cross Body Fast Figure Eight, Overhead Reverse, Forward Body Wrap, Overhead Crack
March featured patterns by Daniel Solomon Shaw - 2020 LA Whipcon Champion
- Level 1 Grab cracker, flip to hand, Cattleman's Crack, big wind up to Overhead Reverse, Overhead Crack
- Level 2 Grab cracker, flip to hand, Cattleman's Crack, Backward Flick (sidearm), Overhead Reverse, Fast Figure Eight, Overhead Crack (or Cattleman's Crack)
- Level 3 Grab cracker, flip to hand, Cattleman's Crack, Backward Flick (sidearm), Overhead Reverse, Overhead Crack with spin (following the whip) spin the whip an extra time over the head, Overhead Reverse, Fast Figure Eight, Overhead Crack (or Cattleman's Crack)
April featured patterns by Todd Rex
- Level 1 Slow Figure Eight, Wrist Roll, Cattleman's Crack
- Level 2 Slow Figure Eight, Wrist Roll, Cattleman's Crack, Cross Body Fast Figure Eight, cross body Wrist Roll, Cross Body Cattleman, Overhead Reverse
- Level 3 Slow Figure Eight, Wrist Roll, Cattleman's Crack, Cross Body Fast Figure Eight, cross body Wrist Roll, Cross Body Cattleman, Overhead Reverse, Overhead Crack, overhead Wrist Roll, Forward Body Wrap, Fast Figure Eight, Elbow Toss, skip in Overhead Crack (or Cattleman's Crack)
May featured patterns by professional whip performer Adam "crack" Winrich
- Level 1 Slow Figure Eight, walk over, Cattleman's Crack, Forward Body Wrap to finish
- Level 2 Slow Figure Eight, walk over,Cattleman's Crack (take a step forward) hand switch behind your back (finish facing the opposite direction),Cattleman's Crack, Forward Body Wrap to finish
- Level 3 Sidearm Flick, Overhead Flick, Overhead Crack, Singleton Special, Coachman's Crack, Tasmanian Cutback, Sidearm Flick, Overhead Crack, Sidearm Flick, Forward Body Wrap to finish
June featured patterns by Kit Atanasoff
- Level 1Cattleman's Crack, pivot CW 180 and step Cattleman's Crack, Overhead Reverse
- Level 2Cattleman's Crack, pivot CW 180 and lunge Cattleman's Crack, Overhead Reverse, wrap around neck, grab thong w/ left hand, turn CCW 360 and pass whip behind back (back to right hand), big windup Overhead Crack
- Level 3Cattleman's Crack, pivot CW 180 and lunge Cattleman's Crack, Overhead Reverse, wrap around head, grab thong w/ left hand, turn CCW 360 and pass whip behind back (back to right hand), big windup Overhead Crack, spin CW 360 (on right foot) and pass whip behind back, left hand Overhead Crack, neck roll (catch with left hand, whip almost does a body wrap), Overhead Reverse, Forward Body Wrap, pose
July featured patterns by Torrance Fisher of Sword Guy Builds
- Level 1 Drum Roll, sweeping Cattleman's Crack (cairo?) Overhead Crack
- Level 2 Drum Roll, sweeping Cattleman's Crack (cairo?) Overhead Crack, Boomerang, Reverse Cattleman
- Level 3 Drum Roll x2, sweeping Cattleman's Crack (cairo?) Overhead Crack, 3 crack Overhead Volley, Breakaway, Overhead Crack
August featured patterns by Leah Orleans of Acrobatrix
- Level 1 Slow Figure Eight x 2, front wrap and spin CCW, Overhead Crack (with stomp), neck wrap (outward), regrip to thong, spin whip forward and bounce of leg, high toss, Cattleman's Crack, (pony leg)
- Level 2 Slow Figure Eight x 2, front wrap and spin CCW, Overhead Crack (with stomp), neck wrap (outward), regrip to thong, spin whip forward and bounce of leg, high toss, Forward Body Wrap and spin CCW, Overhead Crack, Overhead Reverse, diagonal chest wrap (over shoulder and pinch thong in armpit), left hand flicks the handle over your shoulder, grip left hand (hip grind), Cattleman's Crack, (pony leg)
- Level 3 Volley x 6, Forward Body Wrap and spin CCW, Overhead Crack (with stomp), neck wrap (outward), regrip to thong, spin whip forward and bounce of leg, high toss, Forward Body Wrap and spin CCW, Overhead Crack, Overhead Reverse, diagonal chest wrap (over shoulder and pinch thong in armpit), left hand flicks the handle over your shoulder, grip left hand (hip grind), Cattleman's Crack, right hand grips thong, x pose, left lets go, rope dart to left, right, then yank it back to handle grip, Cattleman's Crack, Reverse Cattleman, Wrist Roll, arm wrap (pony leg)
September featured patterns by Harry King
- Level 1 Slow Figure Eight, forward toss to off hand (catch next to your forehead), bring whip behind your body into Overhead Crack, Overhead Reverse, body wrap release (under free arm over working arm) fling thong off forearm catch in other hand, Overhead Reverse, Overhead Crack
- Level 2 Underhand Flick (bowling) into Elbow Toss, Wrist Roll, Fast Figure Eight, forward toss to off hand (catch next to your forehead), bring whip behind your body into Overhead Fast Figure Eight, body wrap release (under free arm over working arm) fling thong off forearm catch in other hand, Overhead Reverse, Overhead Crack, body wrap release to same arm (over free arm), Overhead Reverse, Overhead Fast Figure Eight, Overhead Crack
- Level 3 Underhand Flick (bowling) into Elbow Toss, Fast Figure Eight, forward toss to off hand (catch next to your forehead), bring whip behind your body into [Forearm Flick]], Overhead Fast Figure Eight, body wrap release (under free arm over working arm) fling thong off forearm catch in other hand, Overhead Reverse, Overhead Crack, body wrap release to same arm (over free arm), Overhead Outside Volley x 3
October featured patterns by Sylvia Rosat of Silver Whips
- Level 1 Pose with coiled whip, toss and catch handle, Overhead Crack, turn CCW 90, full spin wind up Reverse Cattleman, Cattleman's Crack, pivot CCW 90, pass behind back, let roll off of your hand and back into your other hand (still behind your back), turn 180 CCW, Forward Body Wrap, air guitar
- Level 2 Pose with coiled whip, toss and catch handle, Overhead Crack, turn CCW 90, full spin wind up Reverse Cattleman, Cattleman's Crack, Cross Body Cattleman, Cattleman's Crack, pivot CCW 90, pass behind back, let roll off of your hand and back into your other hand (still behind your back) Cattleman's Crack, turn CCW 180, Cattleman's Crack, turn CCW 180, Fast Figure Eight, toss, catch, Sidearm Flick, Forward Body Wrap, air guitar
- Level 3 Sidearm Flick, Overhead Crack, turn CCW 90, Reverse Cattleman, Fast Figure Eight (but 2nd crack is cross body), Cow and Calf (whoosh bang), pivot CCW 90, pass behind back, let roll off of your hand and back into your right hand (still behind your back) Cattleman's Crack, turn CCW 180, Cattleman's Crack, turn CCW 180, Fast Figure Eight, toss, catch, Back Crack, Forward Body Wrap, air guitar
November featured patterns by professional whip artist Aaron Bonk
- Level 1 Slow Figure Eight, toss, catch in same hand, wind up Slow Figure Eight, toss catch in other hand, wind up Slow Figure Eight, toss, catch in same hand, wind up Slow Figure Eight, toss catch in other hand, wind up Slow Figure Eight
- Level 2 Slow Figure Eight, toss, catch in same hand, immediate Slow Figure Eight, toss catch in other hand, immediate Slow Figure Eight, toss, catch in same hand, immediate Slow Figure Eight, toss catch in other hand, immediate Slow Figure Eight
- Level 3 Fast Figure Eight, toss, catch in same hand, immediate Fast Figure Eight, toss catch in other hand, immediate Fast Figure Eight, toss, catch in same hand, immediate Fast Figure Eight, toss catch in other hand, immediate Fast Figure Eight