Cattleman's Crack

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The Cattleman's Crack is probably the first crack that any new whip cracker should learn.


None! This is truly, the very first crack you should learn.


How To

  1. Start with the whip laying out straight behind you
  2. Draw the whip forward and overhead in a large extended arc
    1. Start with your arm straight and palm facing backwards
    2. Keep your arm straight until it's about level with the ground
    3. Bend your elbow a little more than 90 degrees
    4. Let your wrist bend backwards too
  3. Just about the time that the cracker will hit the ground behind you, swing the whip forward
    1. Straighten your elbow
    2. Then straighten your wrist
  4. You should finish with your arm in a straight line with the whip handle pointing straight out from there, almost level with the ground

This crack should take very minimal effort, don't muscle it.


YouTube Cattleman's Crack by Canada Whips