Wrist Roll
Revision as of 16:29, 12 March 2022 by John.cantin (talk | contribs)
This contact trick rolls the handle of the whip across the back of your hand and back into your grip. It can be preformed on different planes. There is also a Reverse Wrist Roll.
How To
The directions here will be for doing the Wrist Roll directly in front of yourself, but keep in mind this technique can be done on several different plane, overhead, dominant side, cross body, and perhaps others.
- Spin the whip in front of you like the propeller for an airplane
- Make sure to lead the motion with the handle, the handle should point along the thong, not straight ahead. Think of your forearm as the axle for the propeller, not the whip handle.
- There's a point where your wrist will "break". This is the point where your wrist can't turnover any further so you to point forward for a moment before returning it to the plane of rotation.
- Instead of letting your wrist "break", open your hand and let go of the whip
- Let the whip roll across the back of your hand and back into your palm
- A slight circular motion with your hand may help, but try not chase the whip, let it come back to you.