Queensland Crossover (Double Whip)

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This is just the Queensland Crossover performed with both hands in balanced time.


How To

  1. Start with a Reverse Overhead Crack with your dominant hand
  2. Do a Reverse Overhead Crack with your non dominant hand (this should place your second arm over your first)
  3. Do an Overhead Crack with your dominant hand
  4. Do an Overhead Crack with your non dominant hand
  5. Repeat


  • When learning this combination, it may be easier to start it in even time first, then change the timing to get to staggered time, and then balanced time.
  • One arm will have to be moving under the other arm. The bottom arm is referred to as the "lead" arm, because it will be the first crack of the pattern. When learning this trick, keep the same arm underneath the entire time to prevent tangling the whips. There are specific ways to change the lead arm.
