Talk:Universal Cracking Language
Revision as of 21:45, 21 February 2022 by John.cantin (talk | contribs)
John Cantin - 2022-2-21 3:30pm CST
For vert plane cracks we would need to define
- the plane as left/right/front/back
- rotation overhand/underhand/none (none or maybe "rolling" for flicks?)
- target front/back/left/right/up
For horz plane we would need to define
- the plane overhead/underfoot/center (center would be for a forehand flick)
- rotation forehand/backhand/none (none or maybe "rolling" for flicks?)
- target front/back/left/right
Can we ignore the diagonal planes, at least for now?
Something to indicate a change in rotation for cutbacks
and the real question... is this worth the effort?